Guillaume Laforge
2014-06-11 20:37:47 UTC
Hi all,
The Groovy team is very happy to announce the joint *releases of Groovy
2.3.3* and *Groovy 2.4-beta-1*.
*Groovy 2.3.3 is a bug fix release*, particularly covering the recent
issues discovered around anonymous inner classes. Please upgrade to 2.3.3
if you've been facing such issues.
Groovy 2.4.0-beta-1 comes pretty early, as we would like to come back to
releasing milestones on a more regular pace, compared with how late we
released the first beta of Groovy 2.3. We really want you, our users, to be
able to give us feedback as soon as possible!
The key aspect of *Groovy 2.4.0-beta-1 is that it's the first version of
Groovy that officially provides support for running Groovy on Android*.
You can learn more about the Groovy support for Android in those two
articles from Cédric's blog, and the Groovy Android Gradle plugin:
- Groovy on Android <>
- The technical details about Groovy on Android
- Groovy Android Gradle plugin
You can have a look at the JIRA release notes:
- Groovy 2.3.3 JIRA release notes
- Groovy 2.4.0-beta-1 JIRA release notes
You can download both versions from our download area
Have a look at the latest documentation for Groovy 2.3.3
<>, and don't
hesitate to contribute to it, your help will be more than welcome.
Groovy developers, Grails developers, and other members of the Groovy
ecosystem met in Copenhagen last week for a *Groovy DevCon meetup* (kindly
sponsored by GR8Conf Europe <>) to speak about the ongoing
development of Groovy. You might want to have a look at the notes of the
meeting <>, to learn more about our discussions and
what we'll be working on for Groovy.
Keep on groovy-ing!
The Groovy team is very happy to announce the joint *releases of Groovy
2.3.3* and *Groovy 2.4-beta-1*.
*Groovy 2.3.3 is a bug fix release*, particularly covering the recent
issues discovered around anonymous inner classes. Please upgrade to 2.3.3
if you've been facing such issues.
Groovy 2.4.0-beta-1 comes pretty early, as we would like to come back to
releasing milestones on a more regular pace, compared with how late we
released the first beta of Groovy 2.3. We really want you, our users, to be
able to give us feedback as soon as possible!
The key aspect of *Groovy 2.4.0-beta-1 is that it's the first version of
Groovy that officially provides support for running Groovy on Android*.
You can learn more about the Groovy support for Android in those two
articles from Cédric's blog, and the Groovy Android Gradle plugin:
- Groovy on Android <>
- The technical details about Groovy on Android
- Groovy Android Gradle plugin
You can have a look at the JIRA release notes:
- Groovy 2.3.3 JIRA release notes
- Groovy 2.4.0-beta-1 JIRA release notes
You can download both versions from our download area
Have a look at the latest documentation for Groovy 2.3.3
<>, and don't
hesitate to contribute to it, your help will be more than welcome.
Groovy developers, Grails developers, and other members of the Groovy
ecosystem met in Copenhagen last week for a *Groovy DevCon meetup* (kindly
sponsored by GR8Conf Europe <>) to speak about the ongoing
development of Groovy. You might want to have a look at the notes of the
meeting <>, to learn more about our discussions and
what we'll be working on for Groovy.
Keep on groovy-ing!
Guillaume Laforge
Groovy Project Manager
Pivotal, Inc.
Social: @glaforge <> / Google+
Guillaume Laforge
Groovy Project Manager
Pivotal, Inc.
Social: @glaforge <> / Google+