Clifton McIntosh
2014-03-26 19:45:02 UTC
With Grails 2.3.7's binding request bodies to command objects, it does not
seem that params (in the url) can also be bound to the same command. Does
anyone have a suggestion for how this might be done?
Given a url mapping like "/api/$customerId/sign" can I also have
$customerId bound to a command object that is also binding to the request
Here is an example command object with the customerId in which I would like
the customerId field to be bound to the param yet have the rest of the
values be bound to the request body:
SignatureCommand {
String customerId
List<String> esign
List<String> esignConfirm
Boolean attested
seem that params (in the url) can also be bound to the same command. Does
anyone have a suggestion for how this might be done?
Given a url mapping like "/api/$customerId/sign" can I also have
$customerId bound to a command object that is also binding to the request
Here is an example command object with the customerId in which I would like
the customerId field to be bound to the param yet have the rest of the
values be bound to the request body:
SignatureCommand {
String customerId
List<String> esign
List<String> esignConfirm
Boolean attested